Papules are a type of skin lesion that could occur due to various causes such as acne, eczema, psoriasis or allergies. They look like small raised bumps on the skin which are mostly red or pinkish in color; they may also hurt if touched. Papules do not have pus or fluid like other kinds of skin lesions such as pustules or nodules.
They can appear on any part of the body but most often seen on face, neck, chest and back .They may range in size varying between a few millimeters to more than one cm across. In some cases papules may come together forming larger types known as plaques.
The exact cause of papules mostly depends on what underlies them. For instance acne papules result from overproduction of oil hence blocking pores leading to comedone formation which might then turn inflamed into papule.Eczema papule arises as a consequence of an impaired barrier function by the epidermis allowing irritants and allergens to penetrate leading inflammation.
Papules can be diagnosed through physical examination with healthcare provider. Sometimes diagnosis is confirmed through biopsy so as to exclude many other probable causes.Treatment for papulates is based on underlying conditions causing them.For example ,acne papules maybe treated with topical or oral medications such as retinoids or antibiotics.In contrast eczema papules may require moisturizers,corticosteroids etc.,as anti-inflammatory drugs.
To avoid forming papules in the first place, it is very important to take preventive measures and one of them is to keep a good hygiene. Others methods encompass staying away from harsher skin care products and protecting the skin from sun rays. Similarly, one should avoid bursting or scratching of his/her skin because this may lead to more inflammation as well as infection .If, there are some past experiences such as acne or eczema, then it is necessary for you to abide by guidelines prepared by your doctor about how you can control such diseases so that you can control their future occurrence.
Additionally, there are numerous other natural remedies apart from medical interventions which may be tried at home so as to minimize papules; they include:
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that may serve in reducing the bacterial load and inflammation associated with papules.
Aloe vera: It contains anti-inflammatory agents thereby moisturizing the skin and hence soothe it thus reducing appearance of papules.
Green tea: It has antioxidant properties which hold back oxidative stress related with pimples as well as inflammatory actions.
Turmeric: Turmeric contains antioxidant substances which reduces inflammation and also checks oxidation related with pimples.
Moreover, it must be noted that natural remedies cannot replace medical treatment. If your papules are stubborn, painful or are accompanied by other conditions you should see a doctor immediately to establish the cause and offer relevant therapy.
To sum up, papule is a type of skin lesion that can be caused by many factors such as acne, eczema, psoriasis or allergic reactions. They are small raised bumps on the skin which are usually red or pink in color and may be sore when touched. Papules generally do not pose harm but they can disfigure while causing pain or discomfort in some cases. Thus, for papules prevention is key and there are various treatment options available including conventional medicine as well as alternative approaches. Therefore, if your papules persist, hurt or have additional symptoms you need to go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment appropriate for this condition.