Although eyebrow microblading and traditional tattooing are both types of permanent makeup, there are several key differences between these two procedures.
One of the first discrepancies is in the approach used to apply the pigment. Hair-like strokes are created using a hand tool with thin needles during microblading while solid lines are made using a machine for conventional tattooing. This produces more natural feathered look when we consider microblading compared to traditional tattooing which has solid lines defining it.
Additionally, the depth that the color is applied varies between the two. Microblading pigments only enter into top layers of skin known as epidermis whilst traditional tattoos go down further into dermis. As such, this means that microblading is semi-permanent hence fades over time but tattoos last indefinitely.
Also, different types of pigments are employed in each technique. A specific type of color that looks like hair’s natural texture and hair color is used in case of micro blading while regular tattoo ink may not be as natural looking on eyebrows.
The healing process aftercare differentiate between these two methods too. The healing period for full recovery after undergoing an eyebrow procedure usually lasts up to seven days. In contrast, complete recovery from a traditional tattoo may require several weeks, and more care should be taken on it.
Moreover, another difference between them is that people can have allergic reactions for traditional tattooing whereas microblading will hardly cause any allergic reaction due to hypoallergenic nature of its pigments which cannot be said of all ink ingredients used in normal tattoos.
A less painful treatment than standard tattooing is also involved with the former. Before getting the eyebrows treated through micro-blading application takes place; numbness cream helps one feel at ease throughout this process. However, individuals who decide to attain permanent tattoos should brace for more pain depending on where they would like those tattoos placed or how big they want them done.
Besides, microblading is usually more expensive compared to traditional tattooing. In terms of specialization and time consumption, the cost of having one’s eyebrows done through this procedure is relatively high.
Moreover, it is essential to note that; not everyone can do microblading. Those people with oily skin may fail qualify for micro blading due to the inability of pigments to hold on their brows. Before settling on it as an option, always consult a reputable permanent make up artist who will guide you accordingly. Also, the two different methods are eyebrow microblading and traditional tattooing but they vary in technique, pigment, healing process, allergic reaction, pain and cost. Microblading involves using a hand held tool which creates hair-like strokes in the brow area giving them a natural feathered appearance. The ink utilized in this type of tattooing has been specifically made to mimic both color and texture of hair hence less likely causing allergies as opposed tattoo ink. Generally however, recovery period takes lesser duration in case of micro-blading than the traditional way. Nevertheless not everyone can benefit from these treatments hence it is advisable to check with an experienced permanent make-up expert whether it would be suitable for you or not.
1. How does microblading differ from traditional tattooing?
Microblading involves using a handheld tool to make brow-like lines while traditional tattooing uses a machine for creating much thicker lines; microblading pigment lies only in the first layers of skin whereas normal tattoos go deeper.
2. Does microblading permanent?
Microblading is also seen as semi- permanent, fading over time while traditional tattoos are forever.
3. Is microblading painful?
Numbing cream is applied to the brow area prior to the microblading process so that discomfort can be minimized. Most people say that during the procedure they only experience slight pressure or scratching.
4. Can I be allergic to microblading?
What’s more, pigments used in microblading are designed hypoallergenic hence making it less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to traditional tattooing. Nevertheless, one should have undergone a patch test before having anything done on it.
5. How long does micro-bladed brows last?
Depending on your skin type and how well you take care of them, they can last from one year and half up two years maximum.
6. When will my brows heal fully after getting this treatment?
By one week after initial treatment, healing should take place completely on the brow area.
7. Can I still pluck or wax my brows after getting micro-bladed?
It is advised not to tweeze or wax eyebrows within 2 weeks following your initial appointment and touch-up session as they grow back differently than expected due to color migration at times. Thereafter, you need to handle eyebrows cautiously when grooming so as not scuffle with pigment.
8. Can I use makeup after having had a micro blade job done?
For one week after being treated, it’s important not apply any makeup around the eyes until such time when healing process takes place properly through proper skincare regime then gentle removal agents must be used even post healing phase all these depending on which makeup is removed.
9. Can I go swimming or exercise after getting micro-bladed?
For a minimum of two weeks, one should avoid swimming, saunas as well as excessive sweating following the initial appointment and touch-up session so that skin heals optimally.
10. Is it good for people with oily skin to get microblading?
Depending upon the person’s medical requirements and their past experiences relating to permanent cosmetics professionals, it is good to consult with a certified technician first especially if you have oily skins or might be problematic since pigment retention may not be great
11. How much does this cost?
The price can vary depending on where you live, how experienced an artist is and what area they will be working on; 300 dollars is a low-end estimate but some fees may reach 800 bucks.
12. How often do I need to get my microbladed brows touched up?
Another appointment is booked six to eight weeks after the previous one in order for professional to better understand whether pigments were healed correctly or any further changes required. Subsequently, touch-ups are only necessary approximately every year and half to maintain their desired look.
Therefore, eyebrow microblading is a way of doing permanent makeup using a hand-held device so as to make hair-like lines on the brow region which gives rise to a more natural fine look. The pigment used in microblading is specifically developed to imitate the color and texture of natural hair and is also less likely to cause an allergy than traditional tattoo ink. Typically, healing time for microblading is shorter compared to that of conventional tattooing. Nevertheless, not everyone can go for microblading; it is therefore important to consult with a licensed permanent cosmetic specialist who will help you make the right decision about it. The cost of microblading may vary depending on where one comes from, artist’s experience and reputation as well as size of treated area. After six or eight weeks since the first procedure touch-up sessions are advised, while every 12-18 months are meant for maintaining desired appearance. Those with an oily skin type, have a history of developing keloids or are allergic to pigments should consider other options because they may not be ideal candidates for microblading. Prior patch test should be carried out so as to determine any negative reaction towards pigment substances being utilized here.